Manage your Inventory with Ease: The 5 Best Inventory management software for 2021


It is essential to assess the business on a regular basis to ensure that you are on track to succeed. And one of the most important parts of both and small business is inventory management. 

With this blog, we discuss some of the inventory management software’s that helps in easing the process of managing and organizing your inventory in the most efficient manner. 

But before stepping into that, let’s understand some of the key points that are required in a good inventory management software:

Good inventory management should:

  • Reduce Cost, Improve cash flow, and boost your business bottom line
  • Must keep a track of your inventory in the real-time
  • It must help you forecast demand
  • Should prevet products and production shortages
  • Must prevent excess stock and too many raw materials
  • It allows for easy inventory analysis on any device
  • Be accessible right from your retail point of sail
  • Optimize warehouse  organization and precious employee time
  • It offers quick and painless barcode scanning to speed up the intake
  • It allows for multilocation management, tracking inventory across several locations or warehouses. 

Now, let’s step into understanding some of the inventory management software, that plays a paramount role in monitoring the process of inventory effortlessly:

Workers in the Warehouse

A. Gofrugal

Gofrugal is a digital-first company that offers cloud and mobile ERP solutions to Retail, Restaurant, and Distribution of business. It was established in the year 2004. They help a business to embrace agility and transform digitally to stay competitive in the dynamic market. We help businesses grow with basic minimal staff, with the least skills along with 100% market. Gofrugal’s products and solutions empower businesses to delight their customers, manage them efficiently, connect and collaborate with their stakeholders and most importantly take timely decisions on the move. 

Gofrugal has 30,000 customers across 60+ countries experiencing simplicity in running their business. It also addresses the needs of a wide spectrum of customers from small independent stores to local chains and larger enterprises.

B. ZapERP Inventory Management Simplified

ZapERP inventory management software is a fully-featured inventory management solution for your business. It manages all your products in one single place and captures every detail about your inventory, delivering the most accurate and up-to-date figures and analysis of your product.

The data of the product of your company sync with all the other modules in the inventory system to increase productivity and collaboration among the teams, working from separate places.

The well-known features of ZapERP Inventory Management system software are:

  1. Multichannel Order Management: The products that you receive can be managed on multiple platforms. Zap inventory integrates with leading eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, or Magento and online marketplaces like Amazon.
  1. Efficient order processing procedure: This is an efficient order processing workflow to bring sales orders from all your sales channels into one particular channel. Your inventory can be managed the way you want it to be managed. All your online orders can be fulfilled from one single location or multiple stores- all configured in one system.
  1. Accounting Integration: ZapERP uses the Xero Inventory Management System, which automates your inventory management system & takes care of tedious, time-consuming processes on your behalf. It auto synchronizes items and products according to your need.

C. Focus Solution

A fully automated inventory management software and a well-equipped warehouse inventory management software focus Solution deals in distribution, supply chain, retail, and manufacturing. It is one of the leading providers of cloud-based inventory management software in India.

Its warehouse management software assists the warehouse in receiving stocks, putting-away activities, optimizes picking and shipping of orders, and notifies the customer when there is a need for refilling the inventory, it optimizes packing and shipping of orders and notifies the customer for refilling the inventory. Focus Solution has comprehensive software features like order fulfillment, raw material management, barcoding, stock management, and inventory control, which play a vital role in increasing sales and keeping a track of every iteam.

Some of the unique features of the Focus Warehouse Management System are:

  1. Multi-location Warehouses: This integrates SKU package definition and complete warehouse set-up. Manage multi-location warehouses through a unified database that forestalls the formation of knowledge silos and avoids duplication.
  2. Multiple Currencies: Monitor dealings in multiple currencies through their inventory management ERP module and ensure smooth transactions
  3. Attributes:  Maintain your inventory that is supported on various attributes which you could simply define and customize, making the picking easier and less time-consuming.

4. Automated Process:  Automation of stock allocation and transfer make it easy for you to reconcile stock and keep an eye on all movements, inside and outside the warehouse.

D. Zoho Inventory Management System Software

Zoho is a unique and powerful suite of software that runs your entire business, by the company with the long-term vision to transform the working system.

Some of the unique features of the Zoho inventory management system are:

Reporting and Analytics: A fall in sales, poor customer retention, and failed sales targets are a bad scene for a business to go through. But when we come across them later, the matter becomes even worse. But with Zoho inventory, it becomes easier to stay updated on your daily sales, identify the bestsellers, and keep tabs on customers’ balances.

Know their worth: When you have a growing list of things, it is often overwhelming to trace the journey of every batch of stock; then match it with the right invoice and bill number. On the other hand, the valuation of your stock involves a lot of hard work. With Zoho Inventory, you can quickly generate FIFO and inventory detail reports without manual work.

E. Netsuite ERP Inventory Management Software

Netsuite allows businesses to focus on what they are best at, and they react to new market opportunities swiftly and confidently. Starting with financial services to supply chain management and billing, NetSuite ERP provides companies and organizations with clear visibility and control of their business.

Features of NetSuite Inventory Management software are

  1. Financial Management: It combines hefty financial management that already has built-in business to make quick decision-making.
  2. Financial Planning: Lessen cycle times, and engages more business users to enrich the planning process with insightful planning, budgeting, and forecasting solutions.
  3. Order Management: This accelerates the ordering process by unifying sales, finance, and fulfillment of pricing to return management.

These are the 5 top inventory management software that helps to manage the inventories of the products of companies and organizations with their special features, that makes them unique and out-of-the-box.

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