Learn How to Integrate Amazon with Shopify

Shopify is one of the best platforms that you can use in order to develop eCommerce websites. On the other hand, Amazon is the most popular online retail store. If you can integrate Amazon with Shopify, there is a high possibility for you to experience numerous benefits. Let’s take a quick look at some of the most prominent benefits that you will be able to get out of integrate Amazon with Shopify stores. Along with that, we will also show the steps that you must follow to get the integration done.

Why do people use Shopify to develop eCommerce websites?

use Shopify to develop eCommerce websites

When you are using Shopify, you will be able to develop eCommerce websites with ease. You don’t need to have a lot of technical knowledge to get the job done. An average computer user will be able to deal with it and have an online store up and running.

Benefits that are linked with the Amazon marketplace

As you already know, Amazon is the most popular marketplace for retail business operations. Thousands of retailers get connected with buyers through Amazon on a daily basis.

Have you ever wondered what factors have contributed towards this popularity and success of Amazon? Here are some of the most prominent factors out of them.

  • Amazon has an excellent market reach. Millions of people are using amazon in many different countries out there in the world. In fact, Amazon has got 13 different country specific marketplaces.
  • People who shop for what they want on Amazon will be able to compare with other products available in the marketplace and make sure that they go for the best option.
  • A wide range of products are available for the people to buy on Amazon as well. In fact, there is something for everyone in Amazon.
  • Amazon has got a unique algorithm, which has been optimized to boost conversions. This has tempted retailers to stick to Amazon than looking for any other platform.
  • It has got one of the most popular affiliate marketing programs as well.

Amazon marketing strategies

Amazon marketing strategies

Amazon started their business operations as a marketplace to sell books. However, they evolved into many other industries along with time. They are working with the concept of “RACE, which refers to Reach, Act, Convert and Engage”. If you are an owner of a Shopify store, you are also encouraged to keep this in mind and follow.

Here are some of the strengths that Amazon has:

  • Amazon has got a large number of products, which belong to many different categories.
  • It is focusing heavily on customer experience.
  • Amazon tries to deliver the products faster, while retaining customer expectations.
  • The Go Global Act Local concept is effectively implemented by Amazon.

What benefits can Shopify store owners get from the marketing strategies of Amazon?

It is true that Amazon has evolved to become the most popular retail marketplace out there in the world. However, it is actively supporting the retailers and they want the retailers to get the best. Here are some commonly asked question about E-commerce and affiliate marketing.

Here are some of the benefits that Shopify store owners will be able to get with Amazon.

  • Since Shopify is a self-hosted eCommerce platform, any person will be able to go ahead and create online stores with the help of it.
  • Since you need some time to make your own eCommerce store popular, listing them on Amazon would be a good option available to get quick exposure.
  • Amazon is getting millions of visitors on a daily basis. On the other hand, the Amazon marketplace is optimized for conversions.
  • When you keep on listing more products under the same category on Amazon, you will be able to increase your chances of becoming a successful seller.
  • You will be able to keep your Shopify store growing while you sell on Amazon.
  • Amazon has got an excellent affiliate program, where affiliates promote the products and earn commissions on the sales that they make.

Is it possible to Integrate Amazon with Shopify?

Integrate Amazon with Shopify

Yes, it is possible for you to integrate Shopify with Amazon. It is possible for you to manage and list the Shopify products from any given Amazon marketplace as well.

Depending on the exact requirements you have, the Amazon integration can either be simple or complex. For example, if you try to integrate the products manually, you will have to spend a considerable amount of time to get the job done.

However, there are some tools, which you can use in order to automate the activities that you have to do. Here are some of them.

  • A professional seller accounts

This will be a business seller account on Amazon.

  • Details about the products that you sell on the Shopify store

It is important for you to have detailed information about the products that you sell on the Shopify store. They include the ASIN or UPC codes of the products as well.

  • A tool to grab information and sync them within the two platforms

This integrate Amazon with Shopify App will be able to help you with that. It provides a convenient experience to you with syncing the two stores.

What are the best practices for selling your goods on Amazon?

selling your goods on Amazon

There are few best practices, which you should follow when you are selling your goods on Amazon. Here are some of them.

  • You should go through the rules that are implemented for Amazon sellers and follow them regularly.
  • Provide a quick service to all your customers. You must respond to their questions immediately and dispatch the products quickly.
  • Need to include an appropriate title and description of the product along with product images.
  • You are encourage to deliver free shipping to the customers as much as possible.
  • Need to think about using a single Amazon account as much as possible.
  • You will need to obtain genuine reviews from the customers that you do business with.

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