Why Email Marketing is Important for eCommerce?

Importance of Email Marketing for eCommerce – Do you send emails to eCommerce website visitors? If you don’t, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to turn them into customers. By sending offers to consumers who have abandoned shopping carts or haven’t purchased in a long time, email can be utilised directly to sell. They can also be employed in a more indirect way, such as via newsletters and useful advice, to remind people that you exist and are still relevant. Are you prepared for the finest part yet? The best Email marketing for ecommerce is low-cost, making it simple to achieve a high return on investment!

Also Read: What is eCommerce Email marketing?

So, let’s see the 9 reasons for importance of email marketing for ecommerce


1. For Great ROI

Emails surpass all other marketing channels when it comes to providing significant returns on investment. Emails, in fact, create a 3800 per cent return on investment, according to a recent report by the Direct Marketing Association. Why do there seem to be so many of them? The simple explanation behind this number is that email marketing allows you to target a specific segment of your audience.

Email marketing generally delivers such a high ROI because:
  • Email marketing is extremely cost-effective. Without acquiring tools, subscriber lists, or even a design template, businesses may get started with email marketing.
  • Email’s scalability is very impressive. You may make a single email and send it to thousands of people. Even better, you may group individuals into specific lists based on their specific actions, such as downloading a steel roof guide vs a tile roof guide.
  • Businesses can also get the benefits of email marketing without devoting a substantial amount of effort to it through automation.

2. Bring Your Inactive Clients Back

Even the most well-known brands have clients that go idle for a period. It happens all the time. Maybe they’ve moved on, or maybe they’ve simply forgotten about you. However, to get the most out of your list, you must first figure out which one you’re working with. Customers who haven’t opened your newsletter in the last five days should receive a reactivation email. This also applies to clients who haven’t bought anything from you in the previous five months.

3. To Increase Conversions

The effectiveness of a marketing channel is determined by the amount of money it generates. According to Monetate, email marketing generates more revenue than any other marketing channel. This simply goes to prove that with an e-commerce business, emails are the best way to communicate with customers. Emails can be used to build a relationship with your customers. Because your emails are saved in the customer’s area, you may be able to build a connection with them and gain their trust. This trust has a significant impact on their purchasing decisions. According to studies, more than 66 per cent of online shoppers prefer to buy from a brand they are already familiar with.

Increase-Conversions through Email Marketing

4. Everybody Uses an Email

With over 3.8 billion active email accounts worldwide, over half of the world’s population utilises email. That figure exceeds the entire number of social media users on the planet. Facebook, the world’s most popular social networking platform, with 2.3 billion monthly active users is still less than the number of active Email Users. Given the large number of individuals who use email — and who use email to make purchasing decisions — it’s easy to see why email marketing is so valuable. That’s why including email marketing in your marketing strategy is a good idea.

5. To Know Your Clients

Before using emails to interact with your audience, it’s vital to understand their needs. You may use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and others to gather information about your audience, and then use that information to generate interesting content for your customers. These resources could assist you to come up with a lot of material for your emails. You may send email messages to people based on their interests, demographics, and other information.

6. Create Effective Content

Continuing from the previous point, developing intriguing and engaging content for your email is crucial to achieving the intended results. The email’s subject line is one of the most important elements of the text. You may focus on the email’s text and calls to action after you’ve crafted a great subject line. Your email marketing efforts will surely succeed if you focus on creating quality content. After all, it’s all about the substance!

7. Boost your E-Commerce Sales

Email can be used for more than just convincing consumers to buy something or reminding them that your company still exists. As an eCommerce provider, it is one of the most essential tools you have for keeping in touch with clients about their orders. Send tracking numbers, thank you letters, and other information through email. Don’t forget to include a request for product reviews in these emails. If you’ve done your job well, your customers will be overjoyed when they receive that package in the mail. This is the time to request a review or recommendation. Prompt order confirmation and tracking emails also contribute to a better customer experience, making customers more inclined to return and promote your business.

8. Social Media is less effective

In terms of effectiveness, email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.  As a result, you can see how beneficial email is to businesses. While social media is an excellent way to connect with potential clients, everything is still done in an open, distracting atmosphere.

9. Constant Engagement

Above all, email marketing is not a one-time event. It’s a never-ending procedure that requires you to remind customers of your presence on a regular basis. You never know when or how everything will fall into place. Therefore, follow-up emails are so vital in email marketing. Plan out the type of email you’ll write based on the customer’s relationship with you, whether it’s new or old. Don’t go overboard; otherwise, you might lose them. It’s as simple as that!


We hope that this blog post has helped explain why email marketing is important for eCommerce. To start with, there are a number of email marketing software that is available to choose from.

ZapInventory is an integrated, multi-channel inventory management software for businesses of different sizes, especially eCommerce businesses to help them manage their inventory across all their sales channels. They also offer a FREE trial of the platform, and if you’d like some additional help in getting to know the platform, just schedule a call here.

Happy Selling!

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