7 Roles and Responsibilities every Human Resource manager should follow

Even if the human resource manager doesn’t have any direct control over the production or other departments that are in charge of delivering, HR still plays a vital role in a company.

1. Takes Care of the Paperwork

The human resource manager does the necessary paperwork related to each employee. It is the one that compiles all pertinent documents to each so that if the company needs a record, it is readily available. It keeps track of all the documents like the resume, certificates, incident reports, and many more.

2. Stay Connected With Employees

They make sure that they are aware of the happenings related to each employee in the office or within the company. Aside from keeping the record, they also have a big say about each employees standing in the company.

3. Acts as a Peacemaker

If there are some issues within the company, they are the If employees are in conflict and having some problems related to work, the human resource can come in between to settle the problem and maintain peace with everyone. It makes sure that the working environment is good and healthy for each employee. This is the reason why immediate mediation should be done. If the employee has an issue against the company, the human resource is still the one that can get in between to settle the problem. HR could listen to the sentiments of the employees and provide the proper information to the department in charge.

4. Maintains Harmonious Working Environment

It is the one that takes care of the employees and makes sure that everything is going well. They make sure that the working environment is also harmoniously working for everyone so that the company could function properly. They are the peacemaker, and they also make sure that everyone follows the rules and regulations of the company.

5. Takes Care of the Benefits

When it comes to benefits, HR is also the one that takes care of it. They make sure that everyone afford with the right benefits mandated by the government. It makes sure that the employees get what they deserve so that they will be happy and will continuously work with dedication to the company.

6. Provides Report to Seniors/CEO

HR needs to can provide suggestion to the CEO or the people with higher authority when it comes to the promotion of employees. They facilitate things to make everything easier for everyone within the company.

7. Should be Un-Biased Towards Others

HR should also be very flexible and capable of dealing with many people with different attitudes. This will ensure that the department would be functional well. Aside from that, it is a must that the person to be hired for the position is fair and does not play favorites. Everyone should be afforded with the right and fair treatment to ensure the company is in good standing. Your HR must not be biased and must be able to promote good camaraderie to everyone.


Considering the role of the human resource in the business or the company, it is a must that you have the right person for the position. You should have someone who has proper training so that there will be a good and positive vibe in the company. There will be a good atmosphere for everyone to promote better productivity.

If you are looking for a new person for the position, make sure to hire someone skilled, knowledgeable, and who have public relations skills. These are all needed so that that person that you will employ to function correctly and help your business grow by taking care of your employees!

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