How to Choose the Best Shopify Apps?

Shopify has immense applications and experts, helping you with solutions and services for various necessities for your developing eCommerce business. With these best Shopify apps, a vendor can work on their store’s automation processes, empower marketing, upgrade store plans, and boost sales.

The App Store has a huge number of best Shopify apps, serving and taking care of specific needs and purposes, making it simple for merchants to solve their concerns.

In the event that you’re simply setting up or trying to scale, you’ll initially struggle with choosing an answer to which best Shopify apps shall you choose. With this blog, we want to help you improve on the chase after the best Shopify apps.

With four stages, you can find suitable applications to enhance your sales through the Shopify store.

Step 1: List down your requirements

Have you ever gone to a supermarket without the list of things you want to buy? It takes twice as long as usual, and later on, you come back home without many of the things you need. Your hunt for the right and best Shopify apps is the same.

To guarantee you pick the applications that will assist your store with developing, initially list down what you need to tackle inside your eCommerce store. A few vendors might need to incorporate credibility or convert their traffic into subscribers, while a few may be focused on enhancing customer loyalty.

In this way, you can avoid aimlessly wandering through different collections and categories on the Shopify App Store and save your time.

For instance, if you’re doubtful about your needs, you can start by jotting down your issues— high bounce rate after coming to cart, good traffic but low conversions and surplus inventory. After listing, search for the applications that will help you solve the issue you are facing.

For instance, to reduce cart abandonment rates, you can go for the solutions like:

  1. Retargeting app
  2. The automated message of abandonment
  3. Exit intent
  4. Customer conversion rate

This alternative will help you save time and money on unnecessary Shopify apps and solve the issues that your Shopify app faces smartly and help you choose the best Shopify apps for your store.

Step 2: Shortlist Shopify Apps

Shopify Apps

Since now you know what kind of Shopify apps you are searching for, start browsing the Shopify App Store. You can search for applications in 4 ways:

1. Keyword search

Search for the application by mentioning the keyword of the problem or needs you have right within your Store. For instance, you can look for ‘low traffic’ or ‘downfall in subscribers’, and the search results will deliver the apps that prioritize what you are searching for.

2. Collections

Shopify analyzes collections based on various aspects like types of apps and merchants types. A few of these include launching your store, developing your business, and top email marketing solutions.

3. Categories

Like any other directory of products, the Shopify App Store has arranged its apps to make it easy for users to navigate various categories and subcategories to find applications quicker.

4. Shopify-suggested apps

One more incredible method for finding Shopify applications quicker is by taking a look at the apps that the Shopify team has already validated that helps the merchants achieve their E-commerce goals.

When shortlisting the best Shopify apps, you’re browsing through, you can utilize one measurement to assist you with finding applications that are authentic and useful— reviews. Merchants review each app. They upload a review about its usage, credibility, and benefits. It is mandated for you to read through the reviews to eliminate shortlisting apps that don’t deliver the value they promised. You should always make a habit to read the 5-star and 1-star reviews of each Shopify app, even if they are high-rated.

Step 3: Evaluate Your Apps

Evaluate your apps

After listing the apps, you’re thinking of adding to your store management arsenal and evaluating them more intently. Likewise, you may have jotted down two apps that execute a similar role. This evaluation process will assist you in picking the better one.

Take a look at these three different parameters of the app to guarantee the best results you want to see:

1. Ease of use

Watch the video tutorials and dashboard screenshots to understand how the app is designed and programmed, how merchants can explore through it etc. Is the design too complex to even consider managing? An application with multiple features but with no decent offerings gives a negative experience to the user.

2. Pricing factor

Estimation of price is a crucial factor when you choose an application. It would help if you guaranteed that the price for the apps you’ve selected is reasonable and worth investing in. The cherry on the cake, almost every Shopify apps have a free trial period. So that you test them before buying the paid plan, you can be sure if it’s worth paying for the application by testing it out yourself.

Many Shopify apps also provide free versions of their app. Numerous Shopify applications additionally give free versions of their application. For such applications, check the features distinctions between the free and paid plans; this will let you know whether it’s worth buying the paid plan to assist you with your objectives. For example, some applications have fantastic features that are just accessible within the paid versions. Assuming you find it best for your store, you should consider upgrading to the higher version.

3. Highlights

Above all, ensure that the application you install has all the features that help you accomplish your objective. You can search for comparable features outside Shopify and see whether the application fulfils the standard. For instance, Klaviyo, the email app, has an extensive set of features that assists businesses to maximize their use of email marketing.

You can even take the help of the app’s customer support team to clear any doubts about the Shopify app before installing it.

Step 4: Monitor performance post-install

Kudos! Now you have your final list of best Shopify apps. But, your work doesn’t end here. Instead, it’s a crucial task to follow through for a month and check whether the app has tackled the problem that it was meant to solve or delivered results. Analyze the outcomes it has delivered, whether the number of increased subscribers or growth in traffic. This way, you will understand which Shopify apps aren’t helping your store grow, uninstall them, and find options that will be a superior fit.

This process might take 1 to 3 months long but will surely equip your store with the best Shopify apps ideal for you, delivering results and assisting you in growing your E-commerce business.

So, this was all about choosing the best Shopify apps. to learn more about such business facts log on to Zap Inventory and get access to learn about such facts.

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