Top 7 D2C customer retention ideas to drive more sales


Customers are the lifeblood of your business. If there are no customers, you will have to go through numerous negative consequences. In fact, it can create a negative impact on the overall sustainability of your business.

According to a recent experiment conducted by Harvard Business School, it has been identified that going for a 5% increase in D2C customer retention will be able to boost your profits at least by 25%. In order to do that, you will have to pay special attention towards balance. Along with that, you need to come up with a proper D2C customer retention strategy as well.

Here are some of the most prominent D2C customer retention ideas available for you to consider. If you can pay your attention to these ideas, you will be able to drive more sales in an effective manner. 

  • Share customer stories

customer stories

Stories from your existing customers can be used effectively to retain your customers and drive in more sales to your business along with time. You need to encourage your existing customers to leave positive stories about the interactions that they had along with your brand. Then you will be able to make the decision to share the best stories out of them. Along with that, you will be able to deliver a strong identity to your brand as well.

You can already see how numerous D2C brands are doing this. It is up to you to take a look at those D2C brands and get the inspiration to move forward with. Along with that, you will be able to end up with securing best possible results at all times.

  • Go for subscription model

ZapERP subscription model

Implementing a subscription model business will also be able to help you with driving in more sales on the way of your business. Shopping habits of customers have evolved along with time. It is up to you to take a look at those evolved shopping habits and learn the most out of them. In other words, you need to introduce changes to the way how you are serving your customers based on the evolving shopping habits of the customers.

When you take a look at the latest trends in customer shopping habits, you will be able to see how subscription eCommerce market has received a lot of attention. You can think about implementing it as a D2C customer retention strategy. As soon as you implement it, you will be able to boost the sales that you are generating.

  • Develop a community

Develop a community

Another great D2C customer retention strategy available for your business to consider is to develop a community. You are provided with numerous platforms to create this community. It is up to you to take a look at the options available to consider and then go ahead with the best one. This varies based on the audience that you have for the business as well.

For example, assume that most of your customers are on Facebook. Then you will need to think about going forward with creating a group on Facebook. Upon creating the community, you should engage with them on a regular basis. Along with that, you will be able to retain your customers in an effective manner.

  • Come up with a smooth communication channel

smooth communication channel

It is recommended for you to think about coming up with a smooth communication channel, which you can use to get in touch with customers. This is where most of the people think about using social media networks and IM platforms. For example, you can create a group on Facebook and communicate effectively. On the other hand, you can think about creating groups on WhatsApp and Telegram as well. They will be able to help you with staying in touch with the customers at all times. Even if you come up with a new product or a service, you can quickly get that to customers with this technique. Hence, you will be able to keep the peace of mind in the long run.

  • Send out birthday emails

birthday emails

You can think about making your customers feel that they are valued by your business. This is where you can get into the personal level and communicate along with customers. You can think about sending out personal emails to the customers.  Upon getting a CRM, you can store birthdays of all your customers. Then you will be able to send out wishes to the customers on their birthdays. To make the things even more interesting, you can even think about sending a discount along with the birthday wish. This is another great technique available for you to engage with the customers and move forward along with time.

  • Provide an excellent after-sales support

after-sales support

You should be providing an excellent after sales support to all the customers as well. Your customers will come across the need to clarify numerous questions after they purchase products offered by your business. You need to make sure that you are delivering an excellent after sales support and taking care of the existing customers at all times. You can think about opening up a dedicated channel or an email to respond to the existing customers. You should be responding to the customer concerns that you get to the channel promptly as well. Then you can deliver best possible after sales support to customers at all times.

  • Reward loyalty

Reward loyalty

Customer loyalty will always help you with ensuring perfect results with d2c customer retention. Therefore, it is possible for you to go ahead and reward the customers. You will be able to get the customers to stick more to your business along with time with loyalty schemes. You need to take a look at the nature of your business and come up with an appropriate loyalty program. Then the loyalty program will be able to send positive results on your way and help you secure maximum results.

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