How Can You Increase Sales Post Lockdown?

As a crucial effect of the coronavirus pandemic, the lockdown phenomena have almost changed the way the economy works. It does not necessarily change the entire economy law. Still, it has decreased the publics’ desire to buy things they’re not using daily and turn more into essentials, such as masks, hand sanitizers, antibacterial soap, etc. 

While some brands have the big opportunity sales post lockdown due to their products that match the society needs, the others are still crawling to find a way to become more adaptive. This-the adaptive behavior or brands- needs to be done because the long-long roadway of lockdown is still in front of our eyes.

Sales Post Lockdown

How to Revive Sales Post Lockdown By Putting Yourself In Market’s Shoe

Among all the efforts, the few most important things to revive sales back to healthy business work is to get their customers back. But as being said, the society priority list has been broken down and changed to a new pyramid of necessities. For example, fewer people buy clothes and suits and spend more cash on masks. This is a considerable turn the tables since masks before nowadays have never been the society’s priority.

But people still love being stylish and trendy, yet using basic designed masks per se, is not a good and intriguing option. The fact that most masks designs are pretty dull and underwhelming.

Take L’Oréal Paris Indonesia, as an example of free-mask-with-stylish-design-bonus pioneers on this very occasion. As they are selling their product, such as mascara and lipstick-which, we know it is not necessary for this narrow-gauge economy span, they give away free masks as an engagement trick. This works well, along with the signature design of L’Oréal.

The same things go for other retail sellers and stores who give away masks for free. For a business, being affected by the lockdown is not and never a win-win solution. There must be many sacrifices coming in the way, such as spending more money on a free mask and hand-sanitizer. But this is one of the ways to keep the selling going.

post lockdown

Understand Things The People Needs and Will Buy

If you again, were the customers and the market target, what would you buy during the pandemic, lockdown, or after lockdown?

Is it healthier food to help increase the body’s immune? Is it reusable cutlery to prevent using public cutlery while eating outside? Or maybe a bicycle, since cycling exercise helps stimulate the body? 

This tricky thing is certainly similar to the first point, but not necessarily to give the products away, but to selling it. Investing money on new hygiene products right now is not a bad consideration, even actually worth the effort.

By putting yourself in their mind, doing a very light survey, research, and exploring society’s behavior, you know what they need and want. And as for how the market will always work, high demand comes together with high supply and high purchasing.

Engaging the Market By Showing Your Obedience of the Common Interest

The public loves those brands who show sympathy, empathy, and understanding of common interest. Such as the one who is still applying physical distancing in their stores and works extra hard to keep it all together.

For instance, some restaurants are implementing the physical distancing by drive-thru only options or dine-in but by car. While the customers can enjoy their meal inside the car, being more protected from the infection virus, the worker numbers are getting numerous due to extra work to prevent the redundancy pile of tasks.

An actual dine-in option in the restaurant lounge or building is also, of course, can be pursued by putting a mark of the seat that can be used by the customers. But this option is not engaging for retail restaurants.

Again, the music and art industry are producing their creation to the market, a very bold step during this time. Most concerts are held online through YouTube; exhibitions are also held through social media. They also sell the albums and other stuff through some e-commerce, with a solid health-protocol application on the advertisement—more on this latter.

Again, these tips to increase a sales post lockdown equal spending extra money and less of a surplus for the business, but it helps your business if it is not getting started. 

E-Commerce and Online Purchase Services

Do More On the E-Commerce and Online Purchase Services

E-Commerce is still and even more shining through the pandemic process since more people buy stuff from them. Brands confidently sell the massive amount of expensive and high quality to the poor quality things on every E-Commerce. This is neither an overwhelming or underwhelming process because everyone-the producers, distributors, and consumers- is expecting this.

Not only E-Commerce but also the online purchasing services also works better during the process. Such as grab-food, uber-eats, or go-shop services are working harder due to users’ high increase. It is a very great opportunity to invest in such applications and websites as their official partner.

This last tip also works better during the unpredictable season in front of your eyes. We do not yet know if the pandemic is over soon or another lockdown is coming. To avoid the possibilities or another narrow sale because of the second situation, selling things online with high quality and fast shipment is never a bad option.

Regardless, the fact is society’s behavior on shopping has changed. Most busy people no longer waste time on browsing around the shopping center. They tend to buy things online to minimize the amount of time, energy, and cash. Online shopping has become the new trend, whether it has something to do with the lockdown or not.

There is no better way to get back to sales post lockdown than putting yourself in customers’ shoes and investing in a more simplified way of sale.

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