What Is Cloud Manufacturing? And Who Can Benefit From It?

In recent years, the dependency on cloud computing for both personal as well as professional data storage is increasing and the benefits attached to the same are far too many. It is one of the most convenient methods to store and share data from one remote location to another. However, a new introduction has been made in the market known as cloud manufacturing, targeting professionals. It is not a very common terminology around the professional world as yet, but it is slowly pacing up to becoming a successful venture, based on cloud technology.

At present, the requirements from the manufacturing industry to meet the increasing demands of the customers with not only quality production but also better delivery with faster services are getting difficult to manage. This is one of the major reasons why cloud technology for manufacturing has become the new big thing. The main objective of integrating cloud technology into the manufacturing process is to come out with a more systematic and efficient supply chain for the consumers.

Additionally, the other reason driving the increased adoption of cloud manufacturing amongst different industries is the increase in dependency of the same by approximately 90% of the companies in the world today. Moreover, it is expected that by 2023, the software used by manufacturers today will also be shifted to a cloud-based solution.

Before we dive deeper into the multiple benefits of integrating cloud manufacturing into your business to streamline your supply chain, let us first understand what exactly does it mean.

What Is Cloud Manufacturing?

One of the most breakthrough technologies in the world today is the Internet connection that provides the foundation for cloud computing. With the help of cloud computing in place, the ease of storing software as well as information on a safe base has become a reality. According to statistics, approximately 25% of the finished products made in 2017 were the end result of some sort of digital technology like cloud computing.

Cloud manufacturing is a unique and recently developed manufacturing style that combines the conventional models of manufacturing with different technologies like cloud computing and others to present the manufacturers with a platform to share and circulate necessary sources of manufacturing.

cloud manufacturing meaning

Detailed Understanding

Cloud manufacturing is not the same as cloud computing as it takes the efficiency level of the solution or a notch higher than basic cloud computing. Under the cloud manufacturing procedure, business aspects for manufacturing like design, management, engineering, inventory of equipment and materials, etc., can only be managed effectively. In simple words, with the help of cloud manufacturing in place, people can directly visit the website and order the required manufacturing resources from any of the manufacturers available on the cloud. All the required information is already available easily to ensure a more precise decision is made.

The main idea is to give manufacturers a platform to share their capabilities with all the visitors on the website in demand for different manufacturing resources. They not only benefit the manufacturers by connecting them to potential customers, but it also helps with multiple other benefits that can effectively reduce the impact of your services on the environment and help you make smart decisions to reduce your costs as a manufacturer.

There is no limitation on who all can experiment with cloud manufacturing as even though the name suggests manufacturing, it is not just for the manufacturers. There are multiple categories that can benefit from cloud manufacturing and they include engineers who wish to take up roles within the manufacturing department of a business, entrepreneurs and start-ups who want to make use of cloud manufacturing to begin smart with an omnichannel approach or the SMEs that require a better base for negotiation of manufacturing resources to streamline their overall operational efficiency.

To understand better, let us discuss some of the top benefits of integrating a cloud manufacturing solution into your business below. 

Why Choose Cloud Manufacturing?

There is no one reason why you should adopt cloud manufacturing as the benefits offered by the integration of the same are plenty. It not only improves the overall functionality of the manufacturer but also helps with advantages that are not that easy to achieve. Some of the benefits include the following. 


The first and the most important advantage of cloud manufacturing is that it offers better reliability of the services. That means, when you use the cloud platform, you no longer require a dedicated IT department to look after your needs as the data, as well as the resources, are secured properly. The best part about cloud manufacturing is that there is no stress of double redundancy or even a server going down as most of the work is done by the cloud itself, reducing your time and effort required significantly. 

Better Flexibility

Every time a manufacturer decides to scale up his business or increase the size of his organization, it can get a little difficult to manage the data as well as the resources, without interrupting the operations. However, with cloud manufacturing, scalability is not an issue anymore as the cloud-based solution automatically adjusts to the scale and size of the business. Moreover, the manufacturer has the option of scaling up with an increase in demand and scaling down when the demand is low to fit the operational efficiency of the overall production effectively. 

Easy Data Availability

The traditional system of storing all necessary data and then sharing it with all the concerned people no longer works well, especially for bigger companies and businesses. However, with cloud manufacturing, regardless of the stature in the company, any authorized user of any stature can access data as per the authority given to them from any place at any given time of the day. This not only improves the entire communication flow within the organization but also helps with analyzing the overall performance and efficiency of a business. Additionally, at present, multiple analytical tools are being introduced within the cloud manufacturing system to allow a deeper insight into the data to help businesses come up with more refined solutions as per the customer requirements.

Increased Security

One of the most common reasons why manufacturers or businesses in general refrain from switching to cloud technology is their hesitancy towards the security involved. People believe that switching to a cloud system can result in data security issues. However, with cloud manufacturing, the technologies used are highly developed to ensure that the data is not only well encrypted but also completely secure. Moreover, similar to the protection provided by an IT department with the help of different network solutions, even the cloud manufacturing system solution guarantees safe and secure data protection for all resources and other information stored on the system.


Overall, to conclude, given the increasing dependency on digital technologies in the current world globally, along with the desire to switch to complete digitization in the coming years, choosing to adopt cloud manufacturing is the way to go ahead. You do not have to change anything except switch to a cloud-based solution to store and share your data and resources more systematically. Cloud computing is already popular worldwide and so, cloud manufacturing, which is a more refined version of cloud computing with additional resources and benefits, is the next best thing.

Introducing cloud-based inventory management software like ZapInventory to your business will result in an exponential growth of the same.

Also Read: Top 7 reasons to switch to cloud inventory management software today

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