8 Ways to Improve your eCommerce Customer Experience-Part-2

In part 1 of this blog, we have covered 3 ways which are:

1. Develop a User-Friendly Website

2. Optimize for Mobile

3. Offer Efficient and Free Shipping

In this blog, we will explore more.

4. Social Media is a Great Way to Build a Community

As an eCommerce brand, you need to connect with customers on social media and engage with them in order to promote your e-commerce business.

Provide your brand a face. You will allow to share that piece of the humanity of your social media handles.

It is a great strategy to create and share interesting content on social media for sustainable growth. Customers will feel part of your brand and it will help you grow. This creates a strong community that you can use to promote new products.

Make sure you content the content that is educational, entertaining, and creative. Make your content visual on social mdia and promote it aggressively on your social media handles.

To increase the followers on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media networks you must engage with them constantly and create new content.

5. Send Clear Emails

Email marketing is an integral part of eCommerce marketing strategies. But it easy to say than get it done to stand out with your email campaigns.

Usually, customers are familiarized with sales emails. There are many templates that brands can use and they do not need to be modified also. If you have to impress your customers, you need to make your message more engaging and unique.

Your customers’ perceptions of your brand are influenced by the emails you send thus, it becomes important to maintain a friendly tone. Do not be salesy. Send only the emails that you love to receive. Even in your emails, you must provide a value to it.

This applies to all emails, not just sales emails, that your transactional emails should be clear and concise even after the purchase.

Subject titles and links should clearly describe the subject of your email.

These are the top five highlights to make a clear email:

  • Appropriate email structure
  • A clear call to action (CTA) button
  • Imperative and compelling subject or title
  • Emails should be personalized

6. Streamline the Purchasing Process

As it is baked by the data, that the brands with an easier and simpler online shopping experience are 62% more likely to win quality sales.

Cart abandonment can be caused by a complex buying process.

You need to remember that, one of the best perks to shopping online for products is the ease of the ordering process. Your customers do not like to go into stores to make a purchase. Customers want an uncomplicated, hassle-free shopping experience.

When you provide a meticulous purchasing process with a detailed checkout form, you indirectly shift your customers to a hassling and confusing customer experience.

What is the result? They decide to abandon the cart and look for an alternative.

After this, even if you send your customers follow-up emails, they are unlikely to return to your eCommerce store.

You can save yourself from stress by focusing on your purchase procedure.

The process should be quick and easy from the moment a customer visits your product page, to the point they made a purchase of your product. Avoid putting detailed lists of fields in your checkout form. Make it easy and cut out all the unnecessary details.

It was revealed in a survey that customers find it most frustrating to have to enter the same information twice on a checkout page.

You must include checkboxes to avoid repeating details and also you must allow various multiple payment methods and gateways.

Multiple payment options can boost sales for brands who provide them in their eCommerce store.

7. Involve with your Customers Across All Channels

Not only from Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter engage with your customers via as many channels and platforms as possible.

This strategy is also known as multi-channel.

This simple strategy will help you build and maintain a healthy relationship with customers across multiple channels.

Here’s a general rule of thumb:

  • Make content frequently on your blog
  • Social media networks can be used to create more content
  • Engage with your customers by joining the industry forums
  • Review websites are a great way to interact with customers when they leave reviews for your eCommerce store.
  • An account on Reddit is a must-have!

If you are thinking to outsource your content, make sure you hire an adept person who understands the industry.

You must remember that your contract employees can also be your brand ambassadors.

8. Personalized Interaction

For a better eCommerce customer experience, personalize your communication with each client based on their individual problems and needs.

Although everything cannot be personalized, there is a range of communication channels and touchpoints you can use for the interaction.

When it comes to personalization, addressing your audience with their name is the least you can do.

Make sure your content appeals to all the multi-faceted problems that potential customers may face.

Social media provides more avenues and allows for more personal communication while engaging with customers.

You can build and send personalized messages to customers with behavioral targeting, segmentation, and tagging. By doing so, you can then create hyper-targeted emails and send them to each segment.

Final Thoughts

If you want to grow your eCommerce business then you must need to retain its current customers and engage new ones by actively delivering an amazing eCommerce customer experience. 

We hope you found this article helpful and that it has provided you with some tips to help improve your eCommerce customer experience.

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